The College is having a multi-storied spacious building at its permanent campus at Harnora (Koldam) Bilaspur to meet the needs for all instructional-cum-administrative activities. the building houses lecture rooms, tutorial rooms, workshop, laboratories, library-cum-reading room, drawing hall, examination hall, computer center, seminar hall, girl’s common room & administrative offices.
The College is having a multi-storied spacious building at its permanent campus at Harnora (Koldam) Bilaspur to meet the needs for all instructional-cum-administrative activities. The building houses lecture rooms, tutorial rooms, workshop, laboratories, library-cum-reading room,
drawing hall, examination hall, computer center, seminar hall, girl’s common room & administrative offices.

Hostel is the home for all the students who are living away from their homes. Our nursing students are housed in a secure separate girl’s hostel. This makes the hostel an indispensable part of college infrastructure. The hostel is situated in the college premises. It is well furnished with modern amenities, Hygienic Mess, 24X7 water Supply & electricity. It is like home away from home form the students. Hostels have spacious furnished rooms. The constant presence of student-friendly wardens for guidance and counseling is a source of inspiration for the students who are away from parental guidance and support system.
This lab consists of latest computer with broad band facility that will help the students to get the latest information regarding diseases, treatment & their nursing care. The computer lab is spacious and well-planned with the latest hi-tech configuration of hardware and software. A computer lab has internet facility also.

Facilities for indoor games are being provided in the academic building for students and a playground.
Well-equipped laboratories including Fundamental lab, nutrition lab, community lab, midwifery lab, A.V aids room, anatomy & physiology lab with the contemporaneous and state of article, equipment, dummy, and models to enable syllabus oriented processer and experimentation.

Hostel is the home for all the students who are living away from their homes. Our nursing students are housed in a secure separate girl’s hostel. This makes the hostel an indispensable part of college infrastructure. The hostel is situated in the college premises.
Click Below To Know Our Hostels Rules And Regulations
- Students are expected to display acceptable form of behavior and maintain discipline and decorum everywhere in general in and around the hostel complex in particular at all times.
- Ragging is considered as punishable offence as per regulations.
- Possession, distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages, prohibited drugs and chewable tobacco are serious offence and strictly prohibited.
- Students are not allowed to leave the hostel without the permission of appropriate authority.
- Every care should be taken to maintain the hostel rooms and premises neat and clean.
- Student should handle hostel equipments, furniture and mess property carefully and should not damage it.
- Students are not permitted to use any electrical appliances (Heater, electrical rod, kettle etc.) in the hostel and if such material found from any student she will be fine accordingly.
- Students are responsible for all their personal and valuable belongings. They are expected to keep their valuables under their own supervision or under the lock and key, whenever they move out of their rooms. In case of loss of any such belongings whatever, the college will not be responsible and no claim will be entertained in this regard.
- Students will not be allowed to entertain their parents/ relatives/ friends during institute hours and also in the hostel.
- Fan and lights should be turned off before leaving room.
- Visitors are not allowed in the students rooms. Visitors are allowed to meet them after 4:15pm-6:00pm in working day and on holiday from 8:00am-5:00pm.
- Time to report back from outing to hostel is 5:00 pm.
- Students are allowed to follow strict study timing i.e. 5:30pm- 8:00pm. Students are not allowed to use cell phones during study period and it must be kept switched off during study period. Students are not allowed to use their phone after 10:30pm onwards.
- If any student has to go to the outside the hostel for any work, she must write the purpose, place, time of leaving and time of return in the register with the security guard on duty.
- All Communications regarding any problem of a student or any other hostel problem must be routed through the warden or hostel incharge teacher. A proper channel must be followed to report any incident or issue in the hostel.
- The institute timings are 9: 50 am to 4.10 pm. Students are not allowed to stay in the hostel during the class hours unless the stay is unavoidable due to illness or any other valid reason. The In such cases CR should take the permission and communicate the information to the
coordinator in writing. - Day scholars are not allowed to enter the hostel.
- No Students should be found outside the hostel after attendance. Those who are having there clinical duties should come directly to the hostel after taking their meals.
- No hosteller is permitted to take food in the room except for those reported sick with prior permission of hostel warden. .
- All the students should follow the strict mess timings. No Student shall be allowed to take meal after this timing. Those who are going on clinical duties can take their meal according to their duty shifts.

Rules & Regulation of Anti Ragging
Ragging is totally prohibited in Kol valley institute of nursing inside and outside the campus and anyone found guilty of ragging and abetting ragging whether actively or passively, or being a part of conspiracy to promote ragging, is liable to be punished under the provisions of any penal
law for the time being in force.
Click Below To Know Our Rules & Regulations of Anti Ragging
- Ragging has several aspects with among others psychological, social, political, economic, cultural& academic dimensions.
- Any act that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of a student should be considered within the academic related aspects of ragging, similarly exploiting the services of a junior students for complicating the academic tasks assigned to an individual or group of senior is also an aspects of academic related ragging prevalent in many institution particularly in the technical institutions.
- Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a junior student by a senior student should be considered an aspect of ragging for economic dimensions.
- Any act of physical abuse variants in sexual abuse , homosexual assaults, stripping, fore absence and lewd act , gestural , causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person can be put in category of ragging with criminal dimensions.
- Any act of abuse by spoken words, emails, snails- mails, blogs, public insults should be considered with in psychological aspects of ragging. Any act that affects the mental health & self confidence of student also can be described in term of psychological aspects of ragging.
- The human rights perspective of ragging involves the injury caused to the fundamental rights to human dignity through humiliation heaped on junior students by seniors; often resulting in the extreme steps of suicide by the victims.
- The students who are found to be indulging in ragging has to or should be debarred or restigate from the institution.
- Depending upon the nature & clarity of offence as established by anti ragging committee.
- Cancelation of admission.
- Suspension from attending classes.
- Debarring from appearing in any test /examination or d.
- Suspension / expulsion from the hostel.
- Fine of rupees 25,000(as per college norms).
- Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution.