Who We Are
Kolvalley Institute of Nursing (for female education)is a constituent institute of Himachal Pradesh University and is located in the midst of the serenity of nature in the beautiful district Bilaspur (village Nehar, po Harnora, Tehsil Sadar) of himachal Pradesh, affiliated by Indian nursing council, & H.P nurses registration council, Approved by H.P Government and affiliated by H.P University.K.V.I.N. has been fast growing as a centre of excellence in providing female education and training in Nursing. Established in 2009 with the introduction of the course of General Nursing And Midwife, the Institute now has the proud privilege of having introduced courses of four year B.Sc Nursing since 2010.Institute has made an addition to the courses and started Post Basic B.Sc Nursing from 2019. The Directorate of Medical education, Shimla has permitted for Zonal Hospital, Bilaspur to which Institute is attached for clinical field experience of students in the General and the Specialty fields. Hard work and dedication put in by the Management, devotion and enthusiasm of staff and faculty members combined with the passion and zeal of students resulted in scaling new heights by the Institute. The Continuous perseverance of faculty members has contributed towards the overall development and progress of the Institute. All the departments are well furnished and fully equipped with the latest and sophisticated equipments.
Kol Valley Institute of Nursing
The DME (Department of Medical Education) permitted for 270 bedded -Zonal Hospital, Bilaspur to which Institute is attached for clinical field experience of students in the General and the Specialty fields.
Hard work and dedication put in by the Management, devotion, and enthusiasm of staff and faculty members combined with the passion and zeal of students resulted in scaling new heights by the Institute. The Continuous perseverance of faculty members has contributed towards the overall development and progress of the Institute. All the departments are well furnished and fully equipped with the latest and sophisticated equipment.

To prepare students with an integrated & technology oriented education for a better career and to be worthy citizens of a global society.

Committed to nurture trained professional manpower, competent and responsive to the challenges of a dynamic and vibrant society.
- To provide an education program through which the graduates will be prepared to assume responsibility in the primary, secondary and tertiary care people as professional nurse.
- To prepare graduates as capable of teaching and supervising in appropriate nursing and health care setting and participate in the administration of nursing services and education.
- To ensure that the nurse achieve an all round development so that she is able to meet the needs of the individual, family, community and society, thus make herself an asset to society.
- To promote teaching and learning process in the classroom as well as in the clinical area through appropriate supervision and ongoing evaluation based on well defined criteria.
- To assist and coordinate with other members of multidisciplinary team in prevention of diseases and promotion of health in the hospital and community.
We believe that:
- Health is a state of well-being that enables a person to lead a psychologically, socially and economically productive life. Health is a right of all the people. Individuals, families and communities have a responsibility towards maintaining their health.
- Nursing contributes to the health services in a vital and significant way in the health care delivery system. It recognizes national health goals and is committed to participate in the implementation of National Health policies and programs. It aims at identifying health
needs of the people, planning and providing quality care in collaboration with other health professionals and community groups. - Scope of nursing practice encompasses provision of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care to people across their life span in wide variety of health care settings. Practice of nursing is based upon application of basic concepts and principles
derived from the physical, biological and behavioral sciences, medicine and nursing.
- Nursing is based on values of caring, and aims to help individuals to attain independence in self care. It necessitates development of compassion and understanding of human behavior among its practitioners to provide care with respect and dignity and protect the rights of individuals and groups.
- Undergraduate nursing program is broad based education within an academic framework specifically directed to the development of critical thinking skills, competencies and standards required for practice of professional nursing and midwifery as envisaged in National Health Policy 2002.
- The teachers have the responsibility to be role models and create learning environment that enables students to acquire inquiry driven, self directed learning and foster an attitude of lifelong learning.
- Under graduate nursing education program prepares its graduates to become exemplary citizen by adhering to code of ethics and professional conduct at all times in fulfilling personal, social and professional obligations so as to respond to national aspirations.